Written by Hannah deNevers (Morticia)
Dec 31, 2104
Today was a pretty decent day. Except for how cold it was, a lot of people are kinda getting sick and we are all getting a little anxious for the show. BUT ASIDES FROM THAT it was pretty good.
As usual our daily working on scenes and songs from notes that were given the previous day. This was working: the moon and me, secrets and the opening number. Harmonies were worked. We began our run. Which was again around -314 degrees celsius. We did our run around the block and went up and down stairs and up and do our stretching and yoga and abb work. Instead of our regular 2 MINUTES per set (capitalized because it’s really really painful..) we did 30 seconds of each set which sounded really good butttt of course there was a catch. The 30 seconds of each set were as fast as you possibly could. As you could imagine it was decently painful but it and it was painful but the cranked ACDC made it a little better.
We began our run of the show.
Each time we start the show or a scene we must mentally and physically prepare themselves. If we don’t get pumped up for the scene.
SO. TIPS OF THE DAY. How to get ‘pumped up’ for a scene/song:
- don’t talk to your fellow cast members about things related or unrelated to the show. I honestly feels like it just doesn’t help, it just makes you feel nervous that you’re unprepared or the scene.
- do some jumping jacks, jog in place. Just get your blood pumping
- drink some water, maybe a scene before or two if you’re feeling a little tired you can eat something healthy like fruit or veggies
- just think I got this (this is a big one for me…)
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