Aaaaaaaaand I’m back.
Bet you missed me… just kidding… because if you’re reading this you’ve probably seen Shrek lately so you don’t miss me… and if you haven’t seen it and miss me then I have a solution: come tomorrow. TADA!!! But seriously, the shows are going so well. Tonight’s show was one of the first ones that wasn’t nearly sold out and yet they were such an amazing audience. Seriously, I think there was somewhere between 100 and 200 in the audience and they laughed louder than most people. So thank you audience for such a great show. Today was also our last school show and I think they really loved it. One thing that I missed was doing the question and answer with the kids but our show is too long to have time leftover to do that. The questions are always so cute like “do you two really love each other?” or “how did you make them look like real fairy tale creatures?” etc. And they ask it in this cute I’m-a-six-year-old-with-a-
Also just so you know our call time has been pulled to two and a half hours before show time instead of just two to add time for a run, situps, burpees, plank, and time to really get our heads into what we’re doing. At first I was really not into it at all… especially for the school shows but now I actually love it because it totally works on getting focused and getting the energy necessary to put on a killer show.
It’s sad to think we only have four more shows left. But we have tons of parties and sleepovers planned for when it ends so I think I’ll be okay. My favourite part about CSOPA is definitely not the show (even though I absolutely love this show and my part) but just the atmosphere. It’s literally a second family (or as Caylen said more like a first family during show weeks) and everyone just loves and accepts each other. Sure there’s some drama but what situation doesn’t? Even couples who have been married for 40 years still have drama. I love how we can come to CSOPA not wearing any makeup and feel completely at ease (you’ll actually probably look weird if you do wear makeup). I love how the more weird you are, the more you fit in. I love how sassy our actors can be and yet how caring they can be. It’s just a great mixture of people, acting and directing.
Bedtime for Miss Fiona.
Night and see you all at the show tomorrow (: